The Slumber Camp beta program is ready!

I’m excited to announce that Slumber Camp is now available as an open beta! The course is completely operational, and you can get started right away.
I would love to hear your feedback. I’m sure there will be bugs, and I want to get them fixed as soon as possible. As you move through the course, please contact me if anything is unclear or if you have any problems!
I’m so excited hear what you think!
Sometime in the next two months, I plan to make the complete course freely available for your review. Thank you for your support!
Jeff Clark, MD
Beta Camp Director
Copyright 2017 - , Wonderberry LLC (dba Slumber Camp).
Slumber Camp teaches the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), an evidence-based therapy. It is not intended to replace the diagnosis, advice, and treatment provided by a qualified healthcare professional. Slumber Camp is not for everyone, and you should talk with your doctor to consider your individual situation before making any health-related decisions. Slumber Camp cannot be held responsible for any harm caused by your choice to engage in this course. By using this website, you agree to be bound by the terms of our Legal Agreement.